TWQA Class Handout
I don’t know about you, but when I attend a conference and sit through multiple classes and presentations, all the info gets a bit jumbled up in my mind.
Does that happen to you?
Well, even if I’m the only one, perhaps you’ll still find this helpful to visually see the principles we’re covering as well as remember and communicate to your team what you learned at this class.
For those of you that attend, a hard copy bonus handout will be available along with the first page of the downloadable file for you to fill in the blanks.
Simply click the button below to download your copy. No need to print it as we will have hard copies at the class.
If you missed the class overview, check out the following video:
The Woodlands Marriott – Town Center North
1601 Lake Robbins Drive
The Woodlands, Texas
Class: Thursday, July 18th, 9-10:00 CST
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